Southbury Taekwon-do SOUTHBURY​ TAEKWON-DO Taekwon-do International
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Diagram for Choong-Moo

Choong-Moo (30 movements)
Choong Moo was the given name of the great Admiral Yi Sun-Sin of the Yi Dynasty. He was reputed to have invented the first armored battleship (kobukson), which was the precursor to the present day submarine. This pattern ends with a left hand attack to symbolize his regrettable death. The patterns has 30 movements.

Download Detailed Instructions with Competition Notes in PDF format

Movements - 30
Ready Posture - Parallel Ready Stance

  1. Move the left foot to B forming a right L-stance toward B while executing a twin knife-hand block.

  2. Move the right foot to B forming a right walking stance toward B while executing a high front strike to B with the right knife-hand and bring the left back hand in front of the forehead.

  3. Move the right foot to A turning clockwise to form a left L-stance toward A while executing a middle guarding block to A with a knife-hand.

  4. Move the left foot to A forming a left walking stance toward A while executing a high thrust to A with the left flat finger tip.

  5. Move the left foot to D forming a right L-stance toward D while executing a middle guarding block to D with a knife-hand.

  6. Turn the face to C forming a left bending ready stance A toward C.

  7. Execute a middle side piercing kick to C with the right foot.

  8. Lower the right foot to C forming a right L-stance toward D while executing a middle guarding block to D with a knife-hand.

  9. Execute a flying side piercing kick to D with the right foot soon after moving it to D and then land to D forming a left L-stance toward D while executing a middle guarding block to D with a knife-hand.

  10. Move the left foot to E turning counter clockwise to form a right L-stance toward E at the same time executing a low block to E with the left forearm.

  11. Extend both hands upward as if to grab the opponent's head while forming a left walking stance toward E, slipping the left foot.

  12. Execute an upward kick to E with the right knee pulling both hands downward.

  13. Lower the right foot to the left foot and then move the left foot to F forming a left walking stance toward F while executing a high front strike to F with the right reverse knife-hand, bringing the left back hand under the right elbow joint.

  14. Execute a high turning kick to DF with the right foot and then lower it to the left foot.

  15. Execute a middle back piercing kick to F with the left foot. Perform 14 and 15 in a fast motion.

  16. Lower the left foot to F forming a left L-stance toward E while executing a middle guarding block to E with the forearm.

  17. Execute a middle turning kick to DE with the left foot.

  18. Lower the left foot to the right foot and then move the right foot to C forming a right fixed stance toward C while executing a U-shape block toward C.

  19. Jump and spin around counter clockwise, landing on the same spot to form a left L-stance toward C while executing a middle guarding block to C with a knife-hand.

  20. Move the left foot to C forming a left walking stance toward C at the same time executing a low thrust to C with the right upset fingertip.

  21. Execute a side back strike to D with the right back fist and a low block to C with the left forearm while forming a right L-stance toward C, pulling the left foot.

  22. Move the right foot to C forming a right walking stance toward C while executing a middle thrust to C with the right straight finger tip.

  23. Move the left foot to B turning counter clockwise to form a left walking stance toward B while executing a high block to B with the left double forearm.

  24. Move the right foot to B forming a sitting stance toward C while executing a middle front block to C with the right forearm and then a high side strike to B with the right back fist.

  25. Execute a middle side piercing kick to A with the right foot turning counter clockwise and then lower it to A.

  26. Execute a middle side piercing kick to A with the left foot turning clockwise.

  27. Lower the left foot to A and then execute a checking block to B with an X-knife-hand while forming a left L-stance toward B pivoting with the left foot.

  28. Move the left foot to B forming a left walking stance toward B while executing an upward block to B with a twin palm.

  29. Move the left foot on line AB and then execute a rising block with the right forearm while forming a right walking stance toward A.

  30. Execute a middle punch to A with the left fist while maintaining a right walking stance toward A.

END: Bring the left foot back to the ready posture.

      "A brave man, a real fighter is not measured by how many times he falls, but how many times he stands up." - Rickson Gracie

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