Southbury Taekwon-do SOUTHBURY​ TAEKWON-DO Taekwon-do International
(860) 880-0034 •

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Taekwon-do Classes

In general, classes begin with a light warm-up and stretching before moving onto specific instruction or drills. Topics are discussed and demonstrated and then students are given opportunities to practice their newly-acquired skills. Fundamentals, such as stances and patterns, are repeatedly reinforced.

Topics covered vary by class and are age and rank appropriate but generally fall into the following categories: hand techniques, kicking techniques, blocking and dodging, patterns, sparring, self defense, and applications.

To reinforce ethics, every class ends with all students reciting the Tenets of Taekwon-do and the Student Oath (see below for details about the Tenets and Student Oath).

Promotion tests are scheduled one week prior to the end of the semester and promotions are made at the last class of the semester. Except for black belt tests, there are no additional charges for testing.


Class Schedule

All classes are held at the Parks and Recreation Building located at 561 Main Street South​, Southbury, CT on Mondays and Wednesdays:

  • 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm Beginners (Ages 7 through Adult)
  • 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Advanced (Ages 7 through Adult)

Classes cost only $145 per semester for the first family member and $120 for each additional family member. $20 more for non-residents. Semesters run January through March, April through June, July through September, and October through December. Usually, there is a week or so break between semesters and no classes on holidays. Up-coming semesters are tentatively scheduled as:

  • Spring 2024: April 1 - June 19
  • Summer 2024: July 1 - September 18
  • Fall 2024: October 7 - December 18
  • Winter 2025: January 6 - March 19

Required Gear

Keeping Expenses Reasonable

At Southbury Taekwon-do, we do a lot to keep costs down for the average student.

Unlike just about every other martial arts school, at Southbury Taekwon-so, there are no extra expenses for colored belt promotion testing or for the belts that student's receive when promoted. In addition, we don't require that you purchase uniforms or gear through us, so you can decide how much or how little you want to invest.

Although not required, all students should train in a uniform. If a uniform is not worn, sweats or other loose-fitting clothing that allows movement may be worn. All students should have the following protective gear: a mouth guard, head gear, gloves, and foot pads. We take safety very seriously so before any student can spare, they must put on this protective gear. We strongly recommend students purchase this equipment.

Depending upon the size of the student, uniforms typically cost between $17 and $30. The sparing gear may be purchased for as little as $40 - $50 depending upon the options you select. High-end gear could easily run upwards of $150 for a set. There are links on our Equipment page that offer some suggestions on where you can purchase this gear at reasonable prices. Prior to the COVID pandemic, we were able to purchase traditional Ch'ang Hon uniforms for our students at cost. As of the time of this writing, it was unclear if our uniform supplier was still in business. We will update you as we learn more.

If you order a uniform yourself, please make sure that the uniform is all white, unless the student has earned a black belt. Unless explicitly mentioned otherwise, you can expect that each student uniform you purchase will come with a white belt. Although not mandatory, uniforms should be the "wrapped" style rather than the "V-neck" style. Make sure to check the manufacturer's size chart to get the proper length for the student's height since sizes may vary a lot between manufacturers. We recommend that each student purchase two uniforms since we train twice a week.

Tenets of Taekwon-do

Taekwon-do has a set of underlying tenets that helps to guide a student's behavior and progress. These principles serve as a ethical guide for all Taekwondo students so they will use their martial arts skill for good. The Tenets of Taekwon-do is typically recited at the end of each class with each student standing at attention and with their heads slightly bowed.

  • Courtesy – to demonstrate proper manners and social conduct and to exhibit polite behavior
  • Integrity – to adhere to moral and ethical principles and to be able to define right from wrong
  • Perseverance – a steady persistence in a course of action, in spite of any difficulties, obstacles or discouragement
  • Self-Control – the ability to control or restrain oneself, or one's actions or feelings
  • Indomitable Spirit – not accepting defeat, even when pitted against overwhelming odds

Taekwon-do Student Oath

The Taekwondo student oath is recited immediately after the Tenets of Taekwon-do. The purpose of the student oath is to remind students of their obligations to their art, instructors, fellow students, people outside of our school, and to our society at large.

  • I shall observe the tenets of Taekwon-do
  • I shall respect the instructors and seniors
  • I shall never misuse Taekwon-do
  • I shall be a champion of freedom and justice
  • I shall build a more peaceful world

Resources for Students

Are interested in learning how to count in Korean? Need help with pattern? Perhaps learn how to bow or tie your belt...

If so, check out our Resources pages.

      "Cowards never start. The weak never finish. Winners never quit." - Unknown

Southbury Parks & Recreation Department     (203) 262-0633